Disclaimer: Save Our Surroundings (SOS) is a movement that encourages people to care about their surroundings and live a healthier life, through controlling the consumption of addictive substances. DO NOT use SOS' logo for activities that are not align with the spirit and values of this movement.
This name is inspired by the spirit of ‘gotong royong’ (mutual cooperation or teamwork) and helping each other, which is a characteristic of Indonesian society. Each individual has a sense of love, affection, and care for friends, family, and their surroundings. Subsequently, it can be abbreviated to SOS, symbolizing a signal for urgent situations that require immediate action. A call for everyone to work together to create a healthier future.
The Save Our Surroundings logo is inspired by Morse code, which consists of dots and dashes. Morse code is internationally used to signal urgency and the need for immediate action, symbolizing the danger of the prevalence of youth smoking addiction, as well as the dangers for passive smokers, and the negative impacts of smoking on many things.
The negative impacts of smoking are depicted in 8 dots that represent 8 issues that need to be our focus, which are: health, environment, economy, education, social culture, public policy, human rights, and child protection rights. The chat bubble icon represents an aspiration that symbolizes the hope for our voices, individuals, or groups.